June 30, 2011

The Bold & the Beautiful

Joseph has fired this new kiln twice now.  The first firing, we got a minute glimpse into the possibilities that could spring forth from the tiny beast.

This second round, the beast breathed fire, and produced some absolute gems.  We were ecstatic once the door was un-bricked; the belly of the kiln revealed sights unseen at Joseph Sand Pottery.  Temperatures of the actual pots were hovering around 180 degrees so gloves were a must.  We couldn’t resist the temptation to dive into this treasure trove.  Before I clutter this all up with words, what you’ve really been waiting for follows:

We’ll keep you posted as we continue to fire this new kiln.  A preview video will be coming soon.

See you

July 16th

(11am to 6pm, with lunch from 11:30 to 2!)

June 19, 2011

A teaser

Well, firing one of four has been completed, and, WOW!, some interesting and gorgeous results came forth from the little beast of a wood kiln. Because this is a test kiln, everything in this first one was an experiment. Joseph tried a lot of glazes on an array of shapes and sizes; some turned out, some failed miserably. But, that's how it goes sometimes.

Here's a sneak peak of some of my favorite surfaces. Enjoy!

June 5, 2011

The Next Kiln Opening: A most festive occasion…

Save The Date!

Sand Kiln Firing 178

Photo courtesy of Dennis Pearman 

One day only

Kiln Opening and

Joseph’s Birthday Party

Come join us:

Saturday, July 16th from 11:00am to 6pm

Joseph will be debuting some really exciting, never before seen test glazes created in his newly-built wood kiln (smaller than the other, yes, but no less substantial).  Thanks to the United Arts Council of Greater Greensboro for the grant that made it all happen!

Lunch will be served from 11:30 until 2, and will include fresh, high-quality goodness from Fresh Cuts Butcher & Seafood in Asheboro: Burgers with all the fixins, beans, slaw, chili AND something sweet to top it all off!

The quantity of pottery will be very limited, so come early and come ready to eat.

We’ll see you then!
